Letter from the editor

ACHAIKI IATRIKI | 2024; 43(1): 6

Letter from the editor


Dear colleagues,

In the current issue, the editorial by Akinosoglou et al. discusses the current landscape of fungal infections and the development of resistance and outlines the novel treatment regimens for the management of these infections. The editorial by Binou et al. deals with a novel hypolipidemic therapy, namely bempedoic acid, and its probable use as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy on the current standard. Lastly, the editorial by Athanasopoulos et al. presents the main aspects of nocturnal polyuria, discussing its pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment management.

Moreover, this issue includes three review articles. The review article by Bianco et al. evaluates the epidemiology and etiology of focal nodular hyperplasia, explores the clinical presentation and diagnostic challenges including differential diagnoses, and characterizes the radiological and histopathological features of said lesions. Moreover, this editorial assesses the management and surveillance strategies of focal nodular hyperplasia. The review by Verigou et al. provides data on the pathogenesis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and describes the etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic procedures, clinical manifestations and the supportive measures recommended as treatment strategies for the patients with DIC.

Lastly, the review by Sotiropoulos et al. outlines the up-to-date strategies for the initial management of acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding, its causes, timing of endoscopy, patient’s risk stratification and the role of proton pump inhibitors and antithrombotic agents in this setting.

Yours sincerely,

C Triantos

Associate Professor in Internal Medicine-Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine,
School of Health Sciences, University of Patras

Editor-in-Chief of the journal “ACHAIKI IATRIKI”